Dear participants and the rest of the world. I would like to use this time and place to introduce you the preeeeeeeeeeeep team :D
But first some basic features according which you will be able to recognize them in the crowd:
But first some basic features according which you will be able to recognize them in the crowd:
- they will be the first on the spot
- they will seem pretty tired (with the comming end of the seminar more and more)
- they will be always running around, asking questions (how do you feel) and counting people
- they will be pretty often talking to the hotel staff
- they will at least seem as they know what to do :)
But I can understand that you would like to know a bit more precise who are they, so here it (I mean they) comes!
We have here Emir - the tallest bosnian avokado you have ever seem. He is an expert on karate thats why we suppose he will be the best for creating friendly atmosphere, more over he claims to play guitar (right now learning some english songs) and he seems to be funny in general.
Theeen we have Jaaaaaaaaaaanika - the current EVS voluntier in Active office in Orebro. A grapy Estonian, who had already lived in Kenya, Scotland, Sweden (so be aware she might visit your country as well!). She is an expert on rehabilitation or first aid but we sincerely hope she will not have to use her skill during our seminar. She is becoming very good at buying ticket and organizing youth from the whole Europe. More over she is funny, easygoing and it seems that nothing bothers her.
Another juicy and green member of the prep team is Kristine in some parts of the world known as kiwi! She is the Latvian power, expert on vegan food (but she has already stopped lobying for having the seminar totaly vegan), full of energy, fresh ideas and funny comments. moreover she is studying someting with culture and management. Anyway we are not aware of her singing skills, hope there will be an oportunity to prove them during the seminars!
Then we have the local raspberry - Alexandra but she mostly hear on the name Sasha. She tries to be funny and claims to be expert on local enviroment but at the same time she is getting lost on regurarly basis so be aware! Moreover she is not good at following sport, so please dont try to talk with her about that!
Last but not least we have Lazjooon, the mystery member of our team. Some of us have seen him some of us has heard him some of us even met him! And all have agreed that he is nice, sometime funny, cooperative and always ready to help. Actually we dont know about his dancing skills, let us investigate a bit more, we will bring you more info as soon as possible.
So this was the basic info about the prep team. We bet there are more things you would like to know. Thats why we would like to give you the space to ask anything you want (we promise there will be some answer too:)
Go Lazjon!!!