Thursday, 13 May 2010

Sign up for Experience 2010

Hello people!
You might remember me, handing out postcards from every breakfast and helding the Experience 2010 presentation.

It's a while ago, and maybe you forgot what and where. So here I'm telling you:

The week July 31. – August 7. 2010 will be the most sober week in the whole Europe. The yearly summer camp arranged by Active, will this year be held in Fredrikstad, Norway. Fredrikstad is a town in Norway, a bit south of Oslo. It’s said to have the best weather in Scandinavia, so it’s the perfect place to arrange a summer camp. The main base for the camp will be at a school, called Gudeberg skole, with a big, open landscape outside to our disposition.

Experience 2010 will also be the name of the congress this year, same date same place.

You can read more and sign up at our websites:!

But here comes the best part. I, Petter Holstad, will give you a free ice cream, if you from this date on (May 13), sign up to Experience 2010 and write "Petter ice" in the comment field on the registration form!

Here is my campain video:

Looking forward to see you in Norway!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

SecretSoberSociety in Facebook!

Secret sober society presents:

Movie project in Macedonia and the world wide web!

Join Emma's group here.


Diffrent alcohol secrets

nr 1 Calories:

one pint beer is more then 240 calories
1 dl wine is 70 calories
1 shot brandy (rakia or vodka etc 4cl) is around 90 calories
1 doughnout is 180 calories!
the more alcohol % the higher calorie %
and alcohol makes you more hungry.

Nr 2 Envoriment:
Somebody who knows exactly how much water it takes for one glass of beer was it 300 or 350?
atleast it is alot and this is yust the water damage.

Nr 3 Socilal:
Children family's society....

Fear weapon and alcohol is the biggest tools of power and taking power from people!

Nr 5 money:
how much more you can do and travel for the money spent for alcohol.

Nr 6 health:
Someone knows more about the more then 60 diseases alcohol related?
+ al car accidents etc etc pga alcohol.

"There is no need to hide your sobriety 100% alcohol free!" Emma Oskarsson from Sweden.

Next Variant in Lithuania

I would like to write about the social project that I am participating in Lithuania.

"Next Variant" - is an independent, voluntary acting non-governmental organization that seeks to encourage and assist Lithuanian youth to set out clear and long life goals, much faster develop their personal skills,discover and achieve their full potential.

We „Next Variant“ pupils were given a task to make some sort of social project whether to visit the children‘s foster home, grandparents‘ home or just to arrange a kind of street campaign. So it was up to us what to do.

In order to get to know each other more there were made up teams of 5 to 6 pupils from different lecturers‘ groups ( in „Next Variant“ there are many lecturers who have their own groups of pupils and lead lectures to them separately from others in different places). The team I belonged decided to visit grandparents‘ hospital. Our mission was just to go there and visit grandparents. Even though nurses are very helpful to those old people but I tend to think that however they feel lack of communication. So we got there, chose a ward and started communicating with them, sharing our ideas about life ans so on. Some of grandparents were very talkative and ready to answer any kind of questions we gave, some of them were absolutely quite, reluctant to talk.

There were different types of patients. Some of them let's say were quite strong, some weren't able to care themselves. Even there were wards where you could here various strange sounds, voices. Overall it was beneficial experience. You understand that aging is inevitable process and we all will become old. The problem is that sometimes the young people do not give thought to it. We can't look at those old people casually, we must help them. When I looked at those grandparents I discovered that they are wonderful people. All in all, I assume that we accomplished our task, cleared grandparents' life. However, it's so great to do good jobs!

I from my own experience note that the youth upbringing process, particularly more important aspects of personality formation, of a clear and long-term life goals exodus, creative thinking, leadership skills, etc. our government and educational ministry pays too little attention. So that's way there is an organization "Next Variant" which is prepared to help 14-19 young people discover their life goals and purposefully achieve them. These people educate honest, self-minded, confident, self-responsible, creative and socially young people. They also teach the necessary skills to select and apply them in practice. All trainings are for free so anybody can attend them.

I started attending those lectures last year when I heard introductory lecture at my school. Personally it gave me a lot of benefit. I became more confident, responsible for myself, started managing my time, learned how to set out personal goals, developed my oratorical skills. In addition to that I started dreaming, seeing all the people and the world around me. I discovered the power of positive thinking and found out what a wonderful life is. Now I have strong belief that there are no boundaries, it only depends on what limits you will define yourself.

In fact my role in this organization is not only as a pupil cos I am also a volunteer. I work in the media team. We publish monthly magazine about organization's life including news from teams, what events has happened, interesting articles and information about new members who joined our collective. It's so wonderful to be among young active people, you meet new people, participate in various events, always have an opportunity to express your ideas and opinions. Work in a team is the most exciting part of our activity. The benefit of this is not only that others motivate you, encourage you to seek your best potential but it also widens your horizon, you get some specific knowledge how to behave in various life situations cos volunteers get special trainings and that is a kind of privilege.

Tadas from Lithuania.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Critcal Mass in Albania!

Hello You*th* are us!

I would like to share a great experience with you here!
Every last Friday of the month, 20-25 persons go for a nice Street Action in Tirana. I participate in this group of people.

And do you know what we exactly do?
We wear white hospital masks, get a bicycle, join each other at 18.00 in the same place, and go all around to the most frequented streets of Tirana..... Why?

In this way we make sensibilization to the others that the air is so much polluted and that there are no streets for bikes. This is a simple action that shows also how easily EVERYBODY can minimizes the Global Warming Effects.

This is happening in approximately 300 Countries of the World!
You are welcome in Albania for your contribution!
ps: It is really cool!

Lazjon from Albania